Ecommerce for Statamic

Inventory/Stock Tracking

You can now track your inventory - or stock levels - whatever you want to call it. The terms are used interchangeably.

The method is different depending on the type of product.

Basic product

A basic product is one that just has a price and optionally product modifiers. It doesn’t use the configuration fieldtype.

To track inventory, just add a field named stock to your product’s front-matter. (You can change the name of the field in bison.yaml using the stock_field variable.)

When someone checks out, this number will be reduced.

Configured Product

A configured product is one that uses the product options fieldtype. All the stock levels are defined per option.

You could technically do this without using the fieldtype, but it would be a lot of effort.

When someone checks out, the appropriate levels will be reduced.

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